The other day, we were at the end of the croft checking if any of the stock which wasn't on the summer grazings needed shearing when we saw Daisy the cross Cheviot and her pal. Thoughts of how well they were looking and how plump soon gave well to astonishment when we realised that they were both in lamb! Don't know who the daddy is, don't know when the lambs are due but we're waiting daily for the patter of tiny hooves again!
Incidentally - you can see our tree on the top right of the photo. It's a Rowan and is old and gnarled and about six foot tall. But it's a tree, and as such is a highly treasured asset of the croft.
Last weekend saw a lot of yachting activity in the North Harbour - here's a picture of three of them at anchor enjoying a peaceful stopover. One crew even managed up to the Outend to visit the loomshed.
And finally another croft scene - we have a glacial valley across the croft with steep cliffs that the sheep can't get to and so there is a variety of plant life flourishing there. Here is a patch of honeysuckle. Tonight the perfume from it was totally glorious - the air was warm and still (yet surprisingly the midgies were not out) and you could smell it from twenty metres away. We didn't want to come indoors tonight - a perfect summer evening, definitely a memory to tuck away and enjoy again in the depths of next winter.