Tuesday 16 June 2009

Dyed milk fibre

Just had a quick look at Calana Craft blog where she has a piccie of my milk fibre dyed up. Looks terrific. Can't wait to get a hold of it! Assuming that Joan doesn't abscond with it.....

I haven't measured it yet, but when it comes back I will. It should be around 4 ozs as that's what I bought, though it may have lost a bit in the dyeing - this is our first time with milk fibre.
the cost of the fibre was £16.70 so its not cheapo yarn - taking into account spinning time, dyeing time etc. it will be available for £40.00 - postage included. Once I've got the length of the yarn and its exact weight, you can work out the thickness.

I'm looking to negotiate to buy milk fibre in bulk, so the price will come down in time. Meantime - its a great designer yarn for a designer knitter.

Check out www.calanacrafts.blogspot.com to see the photo.

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