Every year in the springtime, Scalpay Linen has a visit from the Singing Weaver - Nadine Sanders (
www.singingweaver.com) who brings a party from the US to take a textiley tour of Scotland. For the past few years we have been included in the tour itinerary (see April/May 2009 blogs) and always enjoy the visit very much.
Yesterday I was idly flicking through the diary and all of a sudden realised that it must nearly be time to get out the feather duster and the paintbrush to give the loomshed a bit of a makeover in preparation for the 2010 tour. So I took a look at the itinerary
http://www.singingweaver.com/tourbrochure_10.pdf and was delighted to see that our four-horned ram was featured on the front cover. This in turn reminded me that I had not mentioned his safe return from Galson (
www.alpacasoflewis.blogspot.com) where he had been enjoying a working Christmas and New Year with some attractive ewes who we hope had similar interests to his own. As you can see below, he did not wear himself to a frazzle, indeed he is every bit as gorgeous as he was when he went away. Wonder what he thought of the alpacas?
Not wishing to be outdone, the white ram wanted his photo taken as well!
An finally, here is our lonely lady turkey, who is looking for a mate. If there is anyone on Lewis, Harris or the Uists who has an equally lonely tom turkey of last years hatching, we would love to give him a home. I'm hoping to be on Uist at the end of next week - so this could be a chance to cheer a turkey up and make a perfect match. She is a black Norfolk, but says she's not fussy.
Weather is showery and the mountains still have snow on them. The daffodils are showing yellow buds though, so spring is on its way.....