At last, my first Harris Tweed made entirely from wool grown on Lewis and Harris. In total the tweed has travelled only around 150miles from coming off the back of the sheep to getting back to Scalpay on the roll. Wonder when the last time one of these was produced? Thanks to all those who supplied the wool, including Richard Maclennan from Borve whose wonderful Cheviot fleeces provided that little extra something to the finished product. Also thanks to Carloway Mill and Shawbost Mill for all the hard work they put in on the project. Thanks to Lorna Macaulay, head of the Harris Tweed Authority for her assistance in getting the idea off the ground. Thanks to everyone in the family who has been so kind and patient through the many years this has taken to bring to fruition. OK this is starting to sound like the Oscars. Actually, it feels a bit like it. Everyone who has helped with this will get a special celebration item made of the tweed in due course. Meantime, I just can't stop stroking it and loving it....... (note to self - must get out more!)

In the wet weather we have been recently experiencing, who can blame a lamb for not wanting to lie on the damp grass? This one has found the ultimate comfort experience - a wonderful warm sheepskin that smells like mum!
Other news - we now have three broody hens on eggs. One is due to hatch this Thursday or Friday. The second is in its second week now and the third went down yesterday onto 6 turkey eggs I got from E-bay. They came from the Highlands and were incredibly quick in arriving through the post. Let's hope Royal Mail handled them with care. Anyway, maybe we will have a little friend for No-name turkey by the end of the month!
We now have three little girl lambs on the bottle - all cute and cuddly and progressing very well. The island sheep will be going to the summer grazings next Friday/Saturday, so hope to have my camera out for that. Bramble will be working as usual, Pippin will be in attendance - on a lead so he can meet the other dogs and get to see a crowd of sheep. It's all go down on the croft...
And finally.... have just heard from Alpacas of Lewis that our Four-horn Ram (who, you may recall, spent a working holiday over Christmas and New Year at Galson in Lewis) has just become a daddy to twins. Can't wait to see the wee ones photo on the blog.
Congratulations on the Hebridean Tweed! Your hard work and dedication to the cause has certainly paid off - it certainly looks fabulous!!!!!What a tremendous achievement!
On another note - Mr Four Horn is a daddy!! Twins - a boy and a girl born around midday - just about to update the blog with pics!!!
What good news! Congratulations - he will get an extra big handful of hay tonight for supper. Hope the little ones and mum are well. Wonder if they will have four horns or two?
Congratulations on your historic 'indigenous' tweed. What a great team effort, really something to be proud of. If I'd woven it, I'd certainly be stroking it too. (Though, thinks, maybe I need to get more myself!)
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